

词汇 bustle
释义 bustle音标:[ 'bʌsl ]    vi.1.喧闹。2.忙乱,奔忙(about; up). bustle about cooking breakfast 忙着做早饭。 bustle in 匆匆忙忙地跑进来。 The office bustled with people and activity. 办公室里人来人往,忙忙碌碌。vt.1.催促,使忙乱。2.使活跃。短语和例子He bustled her upstairs. 他催着她跨上台阶。 bustle the fire to make the kettle boil 拨弄火使水壶快点烧开。 bustle up 赶快;急急忙忙 (Tell her to bustle up 叫她快点儿)。n.1.奔走,奔忙,忙乱。2.喧闹,熙攘。短语和例子be in a bustle忙乱;吵吵闹闹,乱哄哄。 the bustle of Christmas preparations 乱哄哄地忙着准备过圣诞节。 the hustle and bustle in business quarters 商业区一片闹哄哄的景象。 without hurry or bustle 不慌不忙。bustling adj.bustlingly adv.n.(妇女撑裙褶的)腰垫,裙撑。




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